Sliding Windows

Sliding Windows

Sliding Windows

TARANA uPVC Sliding Windows are perfect for modern living. A modern look that highlights architectural style. Ideal for living rooms and narrow balconies. Built with quality hardware and specially built grooves for smooth sliding operation and durability. Sliding windows with a bug mesh option prevent entry of insects and mosquitoes into homes. Also offers good ventilation.

uPVC Sliding Windows - Value for your home

Experience effortless functionality and peace of mind with our uPVC sliding windows. Enjoy easy operation, enhanced ventilation, and reduced energy costs while maintaining a quiet and comfortable living environment. Our sliding windows provide lasting value for your home with their low maintenance requirements.

Features: Smooth sliding mechanism, enhanced security, energy efficiency.

Benefits: Easy operation, improved ventilation, noise reduction, thermal insulation, low maintenance.

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Total commitment to maintaining consistent quality by adhering to the best quality practices andintegrating them with our management system.



We offer design options to keep your windows lastingly beautiful and easy to maintain.



Measurements are taken exclusively at your site and ensuring perfection.



Our windows designed with science and sensibility


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